Friday, 5 January 2018

Killers and Psychological Thrillers

Vengeance of the Cursed.

Cursed Few, Sane

Ugly impulse against the world; their [Cursed Few] hearts have no pity for the Sane. Gold and diamond ridden necks of the Sane turn into charcoal ridden skeleton; their eyes have no sense of Vanity Fair. Beyond the decadent morality of humanity; their mind boasts a novice religion of bloody sensuality. It begins with the world in general and then their steady stream of rage engulfs only the Sane who laughably comprise this world.

Not unlike a conundrum, which the gifted resident of Baker Street can solve, the horror of psychic fluxes have gunned their childlike emotions down to the misery valley. The environment has become a whirlpool of dark void and only a stab across soft chests can cease their null desires. They may rise to the moon or lick the crevice of hell like a tide, but deep within, they wish to be gentle, even and stable. Three words, which if brought to life can only be visualised erupting as a persona on a mirror, where just one naïve attempt to touch that mirrored soul and it smokes away to oblivion.

Channel your vision to a beautifully embroidered carpet. The tapestry of colors, their edges and infinite arcs. Gaze at them and imagine a life following these patterns. You may classify it as an exotic, abundant, archetype of fondness, but you also know that a minute from now and you will return to YOUR life. You won’t realize that once you look away, this world molds the life of a cursed few into that tapestry. You won’t realize that once you look away, these patterns and arcs turn grey. That these patterns do not have soft edges but posses such lethal sharpness that its sufferers have become inherently numb to blood and heartfelt contentment.

The sane began with pity, then annoyance, followed by hatred for the cursed ones. Their demeanor, presence in the vicinity and then their existence; the sane hated and continues that hatred with much more vigor than their religious fervor for fictitious figures. Sanity is a façade for meager senses of emotions. It is not a term for exuberant form of living, but since most humans flourish in its domains, the cursed ones get attacked by them.

These cursed ones have realized that only through the occurrence of astute psychological trauma, they have been able to strive towards a self-generated purpose of breaking the façade of lifeless dreamscape; dreamscape built by nature and rendered lifeless by the Sane. Some wish and other have been able to achieve it through murder - the only action which is beyond the shallow justice of the superficial entities or the Sane. They will murder humans or their own complacency, but either way, they will rise beyond the venomous tapestry of grey life, erasing any emotional bankruptcy. If others wish to dear them, they shall sign onto a life, declared corroded by the Sane.

Lover of an aware and awoke killer is fulfilled wholeheartedly, as the great deception of pretentious being is destroyed by the void of his/her past.

(Images used are screenshots from the movie, The Killing of a Sacred Deer by Yorgos Lanthimos.)

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